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Koldun~First Channel

The "First Channel" website will be hosting a press conference with Dima Koldun on 17/01/08 between 14:00-16:00 (Moscow time).

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ybet do you know what abaut this conference?






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you send messages to dima and he will reply to you!!

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i see him on line from cameraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
he answers to the questions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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On The Wave

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This is great chance to say him about this forum.



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i sent him 12878469589058790 messages and of course i told him about the forum but i dont know if he reply :S

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heheh 12878469589058790 great ybet smile.gif
ooo you're so lucky I didnt see live because I come to school so late so I couldnt see hincry.gif






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haha i dont mean this number but i sent really many questions!

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ooo what did you ask him???





Koldun's #1 fan

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Where have you sent him msgs ybet ?? on his official forum ??


Koldunicious <3


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no leanne from 1tv's site





Koldun's #1 fan

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oh ok!


Koldunicious <3


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many many things!
1.when he will shoot a video clip?
2.he will made a new cd?
3.i didnt ask him on this msg Nothing i just tell him that we have a forum for him that i love him very much and i hope that he will come to greece!
then i tell him many things and i told him to send a kiss on the cam for me and he did it i think~~~ :$

-- Edited by ybet at 13:43, 2008-01-18

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here are some of dima`s answers
i think he reply to all of the questions[2223]
but they didnt wrot them all

Dmitriy koldun: Good day, friends! 4 already in computer. We now will begin, I await your questions. Today I will answer your questions, which you to me sent and you will be be sent during one-and-a-half hour.

Matyushchenko of alene Aleksandrovna, 19 years, city Krasnodar: Who at the given moment, is your ofitsival'nym prodyusserom? Previously thanks.

Dmitriy koldun: My producer Aleksandr lunev, with whom we plan to write down album in the nearest time

Paramonova of Alyonka viktorovn, 16 years, Moscow: Dimochka say if you please, as you do examine people which they do consist of the the tvo.em of fan club? You do consider their simple worshippers or as the ardent fans??? The thanks to you is large. Successes to you and let your zv.ezdochka before the sky will be only more brightly!

Dmitriy koldun: These people are very expensive to me, because precisely they can influence my life. The author of my song, which I carried out on the "Euro-vision", he did not know what to write. Then it visited to my forum, the texts, which it was there, inspired it.

Lyubanya, 17 years, the Crimea: Privetik, Dimka! You say if you please, into what country you predpoch.el to go to leisure, so to speak, "without the boring cameras"?:) And name your if you please dear man and female names. Thanks!

Dmitriy koldun: My dear female name - name of the girl, with whom in me at the given moment. If girl Tanya - dear name Tanya, if alene - alene. But man name - name of brother Georgiy's my

Gazizova Tatiana, 19 years, g. is Donets: Dmitriy, now you boldly can be named man successful - you greatly attained much in 2007. There is whether something such, what it does want not sorcerer -"artistu", but to sorcerer -"obycnomu" to man, then, what you do dream besides the career???

Dmitriy koldun: I dream about its space station, 4 already much about this spoke. Not to see problems. To sit down into the space shuttle. It would become old, left money native so that no one about me not "would be steamed"

Gazizova Tatiana, 19 years, g. is Donets: They indicate that the life radically changes with the arrival of popularity in man. Say, Dima, such as for you the reverse side of popularity?

Dmitriy koldun: In essence they learn in the supermarkets, where the people do not very orderly conduct and attempt to show by caddish methods, in this of pleasant it is small. But as a whole - it is pleasant that they learn me!

Lazarev Ulyan: What quality in the girls you does not please itself most of all?

Dmitriy koldun: Me does not please itself most of all obtrusiveness, hot temper and, probably inadequacy, because these features always lead to the destruction of the relations between the people, not only between the girl and the fellow, but even between the friends.

Rita, Chelyabinsk city: How do you do, Dmitriy! You repeatedly said that the very important for you - this to appear on stage to happiness to spectators. But you can answer the question: in the the ch.em you do see the sense of your life? Thanks!

Dmitriy koldun: Sense is my of life - tendency toward the happiness! There is no happiness in this stage. And I am approached it!

Snow Natalie sergeyevn, 23 years, Ekaterinburg: Dim how do you do. Say if you please, than you is ready to endow for the close ones and those loved to you people? And for what you is prepared to go for the career? Thanks.

Dmitriy koldun: For the career, 4 never he sacrificed either personal life or friends. I consider that it is possible to attain purpose, without sacrificing, other methods.

Snow Natalie, Ekaterinburg: Dim, how do you do. Say if you please: To be star - it does mean to more return energy or to take in the life and on the scene? Thanks

Dmitriy koldun: I consider that energy on the scene must be returned. In the usual life it is possible to go into the paintball to play a little, but 4 this I do not love to me better on the scene.

Annet 18 years Moscow: If not music, no matter by what you did deal?

Dmitriy koldun: 4 it were occupied by chemistry, cooked glue, enamels, varnishes. I finished well university, 4 chemists. But music - my of hobby.

Mashkovskaya Ekaterina Aleksandrovna 19 years, Moskova: Dima, and do count you your surname of "that saying"?

Dmitriy koldun: Unfortunately, I cannot literally answer your question. Surname to me was reached, 4 it it did not devise. People frequently devise their surnames. In reality my surname has simple origin, somewhere in Zaporozh'ye sorcerers lived. In my kind there were the sorcerers, but people on the ignorance called their sorcerers.

Lees, 15 years, Moscow: Dima, as you did note new yr?

Dmitriy koldun: 4 new yr conducted on the scene, it came out, it sang. But then I rested with its friends.

Is flue Irina Aleksandrovna, 23 years, Ekaterinburg: Dim, say if you please. What female features exist in the tvo.em nature? Thanks.

Dmitriy koldun: Female features... Well... honestly speaking, more in itself special female qualities it noted never besides the comparison with princess Diana outwardly 4. Well, surely. I do not know, I greatly love, when me they love, probably thus. If this is female feature. I have in the form not in the plan of popularity, but in the plan of simply human.

Anna: Dmitriy, how do you do! I be ill for you at the show "2 stars" and desire to you as the minimum to fall into the finale, and as maximum to certainly conquer! :) In you with Natalie remarkable pair, you excellently look and you obey together. But what you have impressions from the participation in this project?

Dmitriy koldun: Impressions are good. I consider that we have chances. Vapor is much, but we the there youngest with Natashey. To us there is what to learn in each other. It remarkable actress, 4 perhaps by something can by it soak in the plan of singing. We constantly with it associate, we are found in the contact. I think that everything with it will come out.

Vedeneyeva of alene Of igorevna, 23 years. Moscow: Good day! Say, Dmitriy, why you always such serious? This is connected with the training - not to show its emotions? Or shyness?

Dmitriy koldun: In reality, 4 I am always greatly troubled. 4 very for long it were troubled to visit today to the press conference, because he thought that this is not my press conference, he thought that they was mistaken perhaps that something such... 4 very modest.

Helen viktorovn's Biryukova, 29let, Amur region: What to you relations with your female partner on the project "two stars" N.Rudovoy, are whether personal sympathies? Schitiyete you your pair by aspirant to the victory?

Dmitriy koldun: Possibly, we will conquer, but competition is very strong; therefore who knows it. Natasha greatly pleases herself me. And as girl and as men. Therefore everything will be well. We with it, I think, podruzhimsya.

Vasilioglo Anastasiy viktorovna permskiy is The edge: Dima, describe if you please about the svo.em childhood, where you its prov.el.Kto your parents

Dmitriy koldun: In essence its childhood I conducted houses. 4 very well it learned, it sat house, never it behaved like a hooligan to the upper classes. In upper classes 4 it began to behave like a hooligan. Because it began to drag from the school laboratory sulfuric acid concentrated. It began to burn saltpeter. But with music 4 it began to be occupied sufficiently late. 4 even I cannot name this childhood.

Ustinov Anastasiy sergeyevn 24 years of the gDonskoy: Dmitriy, you have such sad eyes, you someone regularly offends?! Tell tales to us, do not be troubled, we will intercede!

Dmitriy koldun: So surely eyes became a little merrier from this question. 4 from the childhood no one it told tales. Therefore tell tales 4 not I will be. But eyes in me are sad - yes, they actually me beat, me offend constantly. But I will already leave this 4 for another transfer. But to sing - probably, I is very glad, that this is converted into my profession.

Ekaterina, 16 years, Chelyabinsk: Good day, Dmitriy! I has long ago been interested in your creation, I control your progress. It is very pleasant that this remarkable artist achieved success! But indeed with an increase in the popularity grows psychological load. Make it possible to pose this question: it is complicated whether to you to now be singer? It does not occur so that does be desirable vs.e to throw and to leave to be occupied by chemistry? Or you vs.e- after all have the great objective, for the reaching by which it does be worthwhile by something to endow? There can be you you will open to us the secret: in the the ch.em

Dmitriy koldun: The fact is that the psychological load is accumulated with each day. And therefore what not to descend from the mind, it is necessary be unloaded to a little constantly. I am unloaded by 4 elementarily: I am occupied by sport. Sometimes simply it suffices to have a nap. I consider that the psychological load is justified in this case. And generally I constantly consult with doctor kurpatov; therefore to me very easy on the life to live and to create good, to create magic.

Yul'ka: But who from the domestic executors you does please herself?

Dmitriy koldun: Leps, Kirkorov, Basques. Not I will explain why. I have its reasons

Onishchenko Of alene, 22, Vinnitsa: How do you do Dmitriy! You do entrust to people?

Dmitriy koldun: Many times understood, that people deceive. But from some people you assume with the ease, from some - with difficulty.

Il'mira, 18 years, Moscow: How do you do! You uchavstvovali in the "factory of stars". Now exists the opinion that this show - ignites asterisks on one day or attempts to make clones with the the ipolniteley, at the age. My question - that to you gave the factory and as you count, they are necessary to eshch.e of the "factories of stars", indeed them already there were 7. And to eshch.e one question... as you do relate to the circus skill? They would agree to pouchavstvovat' in the show from a series "circus with the stars"? The many thanks!

Dmitriy koldun: Show business - and so "circus with the stars". Here also there are people, which carry out tricks. Circus - this is good. 4 in the childhood loved circus. Concerning "factory", if this project ignites stars on ocheni day, to me it is incomprehensible, why they look this project. On how much I know, project "factory of stars" possesses large audience. Better thus far, on how much I know, they did not devise.

Alisa, 17: Dima, recall, if you please, the most ridiculous case from your career!

Dmitriy koldun: When 4 in the childhood it went to the Crimea, I arrived in hospital, and I decided from there to run out. I came out from the window, it jumped with 2- GO of floor and returned to the pioneer camp. educators then me returned back to the hospital - this was the most gripping case!

Anastasiy, 15 years, Izhevsk: Expensive, Dima. I greatly dream to fall on the "factory of stars". I have voice not worse than many other our variety executors. Also I have completely not bad appearance. 4 much I come out. They tell me that 4 never there I will fall, since i do not have pulling strings and large money. But I consider that my is vocation scene Skaji, if you please, without the money to me actually there not popast'?Spasibo.

Dmitriy koldun: Large money not necessary. I arrived at the lateral 38 place in the reserved-seat railroad car. It did not have a good sleep before kastingom 4, because it were not placed in this lateral place. Sometimes I frequently recall, as this occurred in my life. I arrived, in me was 200 rub in the pocket, I consider that to me simply it transported. Main thing, to believe in its destination.

Ulyanov alene of vladimirovna, 16, Moscow: Regards Dmitriy! as you think which of zakonomernost':chelovek is created your life under the effect of obstoyatel's or circumstance they create its life and of men only of particle this protsessa?spasibo for the answer:)

Dmitriy koldun: In 16 years in principle surely time itself of assigning by such questions. 4 I do not know answer to this question despite the fact that to me now 22. who can and he knows, but to this person already of years 80. 4 I do not thus far know answer to this question.

Nath, Naberezhnye Chelny, it y8let: How do you do, Dima! the idol of all my friends!:) you desperate chelovek?sposoben to any unexpected behavior?

Dmitriy koldun: It is surely capable, but in no way is turned under such case, that I would feel itself by the desperate person. Greatly it wanted into the pool with the head, but thus far it is not obtained.

CheremkhinA Ekaterina, 22 years Saint Petersburg: How you do prefer to rest?

Dmitriy koldun: 4 to rest I do not love, I understood in the past year, when it went to Turkey, he understood after 3 days that I want back into Moscow. Leisure - absolutely not my. More than 2-3 days rest I cannot.

Julia,16: How in you with the personal life?

Dmitriy koldun: In no way in me with the personal life. Do not send to me more such questions. They will traumatize me.

Anya, y9let: Dima, you did not want to be removed in the cinema?

Dmitriy koldun: No, 4 he did not want to be removed in the cinema. And not because me no one there calls, but because I consider that 4 yet sufficiently it did not make in that region, in which I now work. I nevertheless want to wholly take place as artist, as the artist of stage. And until 4 I feel that this occurred, probably any proposals apropos of surveys into some motion-picture films I will categorically reject.

Lupkin Dmitriy, Lyubertsy: How you do be fascinated?

Dmitriy koldun: By shooting. I shoot. When poor mood, I leave to the street, I begin to shoot. Ostankino is better in the region not to appear by night.

To keti, 17, Sochi: If to you was presented chance to change anything in its life, that you did change?

Dmitriy koldun: Probably, the number of telephone, very many obtain. But from the fact that there was navryad I I want to change. Because everything is added logically, sometimes contradictorily, but it leads to a good outcome.

Shabalina Xenia: and you po.ete under the phonogram or into the living? zaraniye of the thanks

Dmitriy koldun: Many disputes occur, many are beaten for that in order to completely abolish phonogram in order to abolish sounding pleybeka on the scene. I have in the form urban measures. Not always people, which make such statements, understand, that the expenditures in order to erect living sound occur sometimes much more than fee to the executor himself, who will appear. Therefore organizers frequently economize on the apparatuses, they do not reach some specific devices, which can soak sing alive. Therefore singing alive sometimes becomes impossible. Therefore sometimes certainly it is necessary to sing on the phonogram. But if equipment allows, I try to sing alive. And who comes to my appearances, they know about this.

Katrina, 20 years, Ksilovodsk: Regards, Dima, as you do count in the the ch.em the sense of precisely your musical career? Indeed on our stage and so there are already many different singers? But generally in the the ch.em personally for you the sense of life?

Dmitriy koldun: Already it answered about the sense of life 4. Apropos of the Muzas. Quarries. The fact is that many people here for example as 4. I do not know, many, not many, in any case in me so, 4 I cannot determine clearly, which specifically me is desirable to listen to; therefore I constantly change I find some compositions of one musical flow, I find some compositions from muz.techeniya. and so in me is formed some block of music, which I can listen to at any time of twenty-four hours. Therefore if someone is located in a constant search, and these people there is sufficiently much, this is very important in order they mogi from your creation to select at least for vapor the troika of compositions, this will be I I consider, already large...

Kondratenko Helen 18 years, Moscow: How do you do Dima! 4 it is enraptured by your talent, although it began to follow your creation very recently! But when into the near will pass your concert? Greatly I want to descend. You - umnichka! I desire to you creative successes!!! Previously thanks!

Dmitriy koldun: Thanks is large, for such good statements. Because not each day can to itself read in reality of so many good words. Especially because separately frequently 4 I do not leave into the Internet, because there is no time. But today here is this the remarkable case.

Aleksandr viktorovich, 25 years, Brest, Belarus': Who of the instructors and the organizers "of factory -6" was memorized to you most of all? How you do count, are there now in Belarus' directors of the level Andrey Sychev? And generally, it was pleased to you with it to work on the project and do collaborate you now? Thanks.

Dmitriy koldun: Aleksandr viktorovich, generally, Andrey Sychev on so many unique person in its steze. I do not have words, when is called this name, in me direct associations with kreativom, to issue so many ideas per unit time, 4 it did not meet so many people, even at the "factory of the stars", which could compete with it. Of the organizers the "factories of stars -6" - most of all was memorized Victor drobysh. Thus

Galina sergeyevna, 30 years, Moscow: To the dima.Spoy that of nibud', but that my mom does not believe that you you po.esh' well!!! Successes

Dmitriy koldun: (it sings song from the "Euro-vision")

Titov Xenia: Regards Dimul'ka!!!vo of the first is very glad to see tebya!vo of the second it does appear a question of:kak to dela?:):):)u me this question... of.Dima,bolel you starry bolezn'yu?esli yes, then as this passed... as Xenia Titov's spasibo.radiodidzhey

Dmitriy koldun: I was ill by starry disease. Disease was conducted normally. 4 at this time participated in the project RTR people artist. This is the first project, in as tomcat I participated. It seemed me that I is so steep because I participate in this project, remarks in the address of judges, producer composition were released. It seemed me that I have to this right. Me from there rapidly for this they expelled. After arriving to the factory, I completely realized its errors and became itself news in the manner that it conducted. Now my motto - keep silent, you be sly.

Zhenechka of 17 g.Dzerzhinsk: Regards Of dimochka!!! The fact is that in me now this period when necessary to select specialty Cestno speaking, until now, I do suffer I do not know by whom to be either psychologist or journalist??? I did hear that you they did finish CHEMISTRY FACULTY why precisely this specialty? For long whether you did think where on whom to go to learn?

Dmitriy koldun: Now does not be worth a question "where going to learn". Uchastsya to one, and go to work in another place. Main thing, to obtain formation. It is necessary to uchi't'sya, where it is interesting. To me chemistry was interesting; therefore I learned precisely there.

Elina, 13 years, Riga: Dima, say what your dear dish? And why? =)

Dmitriy koldun: My dear dish - pelmeni.

Olya Riga: The good day Of dmitriy.Ya I know, you greatly love your mom. Say, and it did for long hold you near itself or you did become early independent person? Advise to me as to the mom of small son as better?

Dmitriy koldun: If in me would be its children, 4 to you it advised. In reality the mom everywhere released me. Specifically, mom me sent to the "factory", I was very lazy it it found information about kastinge, it can be, also, on the site of first knala, and I went to the "factory".

Julia, yyalet, the Moscow area: Dmitriy, you by schoolboy wrote the composition, where all words begin on "P"! Say, this was difficultly? Previously thanks, success to you in kor'ere.

Dmitriy koldun: To me there were approximately also 14 years, bustling, when I wrote this composition. I wrote it for the school composition. When I was somewhat older, I wrote story to the letter "s", but it took not one publication.

Novikov Anastasiy eduardovn 17 years Ryazan: How do you do, Dmitriy! I learn in Moscow in MGIMO. In our institute they prepare first of all of people of successful. And it is no secret that you consider as the same. But there is the possibility to sometimes see you in our institute as the guest on the master- class or konferentsii?Zaraneye thanks!

Dmitriy koldun: That that 4 Belorussians, do not mean that me must be invited on questions of international relations. Is better than 4 to you, Anastasiy eduardovna, in guests he arrived. Where my 17 years.

Julia,16: How in you with the personal life?

Dmitriy koldun: In no way. also during the time nothing it was changed of on-line- conference.

Svetick: But what following song your will be on telepoekte two stars?

Dmitriy koldun: On near Sunday we is feasible song "tekila - love" in the style of garden- mace.


Dmitriy koldun: It is possible me to meet, also, in the metro. Well in the metro it is certainly rare, because i do not have money on the metro. But into the store I can sometimes allow itself to visit. The fact is that glasses - certainly good means for the togas so that you they would not learn. But at night this appears so absurdly that people begin to focus attention still more than when you without the glasses. It is better to be wound sharfikom and to dress cap.

Helen, 19 years, Ul'yanovsk: Good day! Dima, you do intend to be occupied by music further, also, for the pleasure, and as the basic earnings? Or you do plan to earn money into some to another sphere, and musical career simply will be enthusiasm? It is simple, me it would be desirable to note that show business very not predicted, and today you can be on the peak of career, but tomorrow no one will recall about you. Does not frighten you this prospect?

Dmitriy koldun: The one who does not fear to disappear into the uncertainty, these are, probably only sick people. Therefore even those people, which much attain, always greatly survive, they want to always remain popular. So that their songs would sound. Nevertheless to me would like, until, probably it is early about this to think. But it would within the next few years me be desirable to open her matter, her business, so that... on the whole, to me is interesting this. It is interesting to be occupied by something besides the music. Although to me the pleasure reaches to be occupied by music.

Ridiculous)): to Mayo's preved))znayu that to saapshcheniye nidayd'Ot)))no vs'O of zhe..)))kak you atnosites' to the Internet...??:)chasta of sidite..?kak you atnosites' to albantskamu of yazyku(sobsnna on by catarrh I do wrinkle shchas of pi****)))i of vaabshche..znakomitis' in inete..?:))gg)))z.y.sore that by such of to another nimagu)))

Dmitriy koldun: Infernal satan, something to me to more add.

Kseniya,y8,Astrakhan': I do remember your splendid appearance at the factory of stars with the legendary group ' ' skorpions''.a that you there it did experience at that moment?

Dmitriy koldun: I experienced the surely exorbitant feeling of pride, that I cost on the scene. The case occurred. Klaus Mayne not very high increase. And me something so poperlo, that I gripped counter and began to swing by this steadfast. And those, who live in the Far East, who looked the factory of stars in straight ether in first orbit, those we could know that it was there sequence when it costs Klaus and above its head it is carried counter at a distance of centimeter of one-and-a-half. Operator changes plan. Me then Drobysh told, that the producer "skorpions" greatly frightened, he indicates that so it will not go. It cannot be offended. Glory to god, Klaus nothing noted. Then they remounted everything. And it came out sincerely and well.

Tatiana, Moscow: Dmitriy, say, if you please, is planned something like your concert in Moscow in the more- less visible future? very already be desirable to listen to hour or so it is such 1,5 living singings (well yes, to dream not detrimentally;)). Encounters with the worshippers do burden?

Dmitriy koldun: For those, who passed. I think that like my concert it takes place somewhere at the end of the spring.

Bella, To the Rostov-on- Don: Dima, as you do relate to the fact that Dmitriy bilan does advertise the glory Of dzhins?Vy they did not want to be removed in any advertising roller?

Dmitriy koldun: I is very glad, which the glory Of dzhins advertises Dima Of bilan. If to you interestingly my opinion. Because it is necessary to advertise the glory Of dzhins.

Anastasiy, Volgograd: Dmitriy, by what films you do be fascinated? What foreign actors and actresses you do please themselves?

Dmitriy koldun: 4 frequently I do not walk in the cinema. But in majority their me most of all please themselves the films of horrors. However strangely my dear film - "saw", not because there many precisely horrors. Because me pleases itself simply the idea of film. Actors... Joly's Andzhelina me greatly pleases itself.

Mary, Melitopol', 18: How do you do, Dmitriy. Here you already the second hour with us to nakhodites' did here tire? and as you generally do relate to the encounters with your fanami?

Dmitriy koldun: The thanks to you is enormous. It did not tire to me. In all entered 2223 questions, I answered 2222. I will regret, that I could not answer one only. Entire good! To the encounters

-- Edited by ybet at 13:51, 2008-01-18

It's not final destination.. Only start


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ooo thnks ybet gilrs are so lucky I think






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woow, that is really interesting. thanks for it!!



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It's not final destination.. Only start

Koldun's #1 fan

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that's really interesring!! Thanks!!


Koldunicious <3

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